20 October 2000
Morning Tea
Stephen and Elsa setting up the morning tea. Way in the back, Al looks like he's...um...nevermind.
Speech. A solemn moment as people reflect on what Tony has to say about me.
Mad scramble for the sausage rolls.
Brian is bemused at what Elsa is doing (what was she doing?).
Mingle mingle.
The mighty NSW OSR project team, soon to be devoid of their highly respected leader.
VIC Courts project team. And Michelle; and Michelle's pet tiger on Belinda's shoulder.
QVAS project team, obviously busy with the plethora of Oracle props on the table hastily set up for this shot.
Support team. What capable hands our systems are in.
Payserv project team, who may or may not have been sniffing the UHU glue.
Later, down at the Trans....
Greg Johnson up to no good. Those are HIS fingers I'm trying to bat away.
Michelle, who won the hat competition.
Cheers. I think this is my second beer of the day. Obviously.
Greg Knox and Greg Budgen up to no good.
Take 2. Greg Knox about to turn into a demon while Elsa is about to sit down and say "I'm ready!".
One of the effects of drinking is that, invariably, fascinating head apparel would mysteriously appear on one's head.
Elsa is working on the now infamous drawing of "Charlie's Angles" (sic).
that's all folks.